It’s never easy having to close a chapter and start a new one, but often necessary to evolve. When one door closes, another opens right? So you come to my site, see fresh new social media accounts with less than 100 followers, less than 50 pieces of inventory in my store and a blog with few posts and think “We have a newbie here.” But this, is my fresh start.

It’s bitter sweet being on my own with this project, which has been a vague hobby I have neglected for quite some time. Bitter, as it reminds me what starting from ground zero feels and looks like. Sweet, because now I am the only creative force and decision maker of my business. Coming from building other brands and successful businesses has its assortment of difficulties and roller coaster feelings.

I stepped away from a long-term project, having to give up years of work and the pride of developing a successful business and brand. Welcome to! I am quite happy to present to you my ebay store, youtube channel and blog which shares my experiences as a plus size single mom, model, and entrepreneur. .
The real challenge is changing your daily routine. Although I am performing the same essential functions, I still find myself wanting to check social media of those accounts, emails and working on creatives for my prior projects. The keyword: CHANGE. Change can be good though!

The point is, it’s not easy but sometimes necessary. I am happy to be here with you all sharing my truth, my life and my journey. Feel free to comment and SHARE your stories as well!