I was looking for a dress for a special occasion but not too fancy. My goal was to find a dress that I could wear for less formal events and everyday wear but still be able to dress it up. This was the PERFECT choice!
Shopping online, and I say this a lot, is hit or miss. Sizing, quality, and authenticity are sketchy when you see something on a website and it arrives looking like a completely different item, doesn’t fit, or falls apart the minute you take it out of the package. It’s almost as if you have to expect the worst when you take a chance at online purchases. This was by far, one of my best buys and favorite dresses of all time!

I love stripes and this dress has the flare sleeves which I feel give this look life!
In this photo,:
faux fur coat thrift store for $5 (will be in SHOP.RAJA75.COM soon!)
the hat was a clearance sale after the summer for $3 <LINK HERE>
the black wedge shoes were from a local store for $10.
the black handbag with bow from Cititrends for $15 (will be in SHOP.RAJA75.COM soon!)
the sunglasses $9.99 <LINK HERE>
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