I heard about BoxyCharm a few years ago and didn’t really express any interest. A few months ago, I was gifted a free month’s subscription and when I received my box, much to my surprise I was highly impressed! I received 5 high end products that I actually LOVED! These were items I would never think to buy since I don’t spend a lot on make up products so it was refreshing to have new name brand items, colors I liked and products that were high quality.
I immediately signed up and since have had NO disappointments. As a matter of fact, BoxyCharm has changed my make up game tremendously and truly showed me that spending a little more money makes a difference with the quality of the product.
The only thing I haven’t changed is my foundation, but I am sure if I receive something I like; that too will change.
I HIGHLY recommend giving them a try!
Only $21 a mth for 5 name brand products~!