Turning 45 was a great moment for me to reflect on my past, my present and consider what I want for my future. As I took a look back, I realized I have been overweight virtually my entire existence. Although I am not UNHAPPY being a plus-size woman, I do wonder what life is like on the other side. What would it be like to be more active and healthy?

Since then, other factors have definitely forced consideration of lifestyle changes. One being this Corona Virus pandemic which has definitely been an eye-opening experience for health-related issues and how quickly our lives can change. Within weeks we went from normal everyday life, to businesses being closed down and quarantine mandatory. I work from home, and I stay isolated normally so this is nothing new for me, however, not having the choice to go places can be a pain in the ass.

I am diabetic, have a rare heart condition and asthmatic. With these conditions, I am definitely concerned.

I knew something had to change so I have been slowly but surely changing some of the poor eating habits in my daily diet. This is not enough, so now I am adding working out. Virtual workouts are necessary while we are under social distancing and quarantine orders. BUT the important part is that I am more active and working out daily after 15 minutes of yoga stretching. It feels amazing!

I want to change the quality of my life. I want to ride a horse again, jog, play with my grandkids and not feel exhausted so quickly. I have to admit, my knee is definitely feeling the 269 lbs I currently weigh. It’s long overdue. Join me in my journey to a new lean of life!